Version: GeneXus 18

GeneXus BPM Suite course

Data entry with dynamic forms

Dynamic forms enables us to create screens for data entry directly from the workflow client and associate them to interactive tasks, in runtime, without the need to write lines of code.

Instead of redesigning the application and creating new GeneXus objects to enter data, we may create dynamic forms and adapt them in runtime to store information, without the need to modify the application’s database. This is particularly useful when we must save data relative to a given process that was not provided for in the original workflow, where we must include information that is only related to each instance in the process. Dynamic forms enable us to store that information in workflow, making database structures for this type of information unnecessary.



With these videos, you will learn how to model business processes using GeneXus Business Process Modeler (GXBPM).
Then, using GeneXus, you will associate the elements of the model to GeneXus objects to turn the model into a functional application.
Lastly, you will run the application and monitor its operation with the GXflow client.

It is recommended that you replicate the examples shown in the videos. For the Business process modeling chapter, you can use GXBPM which can be downloaded from here. For the following stages of the course, you will have to install GeneXus. It can be downloaded from here. To work with users and roles, you will need a full version. The GXflow client will be automatically installed whn you install GeneXus.

In addition to replicating the examples, you also have available a document with practical exercises. This document will allow you to expand your knowledge by experimenting with other exercises.

Finally, in the page of each video, you will find a document with the corresponding script.
We hope you make the most of this training!

More information

Learn the necessary concepts to model and run business processes using GeneXus for BPM suite.
During the course, the Business Process Diagram will be used for process modeling following the BPMN standard. Then, using GeneXus, the elements of the model will be associated with GeneXus objects to turn the model into a functional application.
Finally, the application will be executed and its operation will be monitored through the GXflow client.
Workflow Data Types will be introduced which allow communicating with the workflow engine to perform different activities, such as creating a process instance, running a workitem, and modifying relevant data, among other functionalities.
You will also see the GXflow Custom Client, which enables you to customize the GXflow client.

Designed for:
Mainly Project Leaders, Developers, and IT Managers.

Prior knowledge taught in the GeneXus Core Course (“Junior Analyst” level).

Theory/Practice: 20 hours
The duration of each video is listed here.

  • Introduction to Process modeling following the BPMN standard.
  • Automation of the model to turn it into a functional application.
  • Tasks with multiple instances
  • Use of relevant data
  • Definition of reminders and calendars
  • Execution and monitoring interface
  • Use of documents
  • Workflow data types
  • Organizational Units
  • Definition of users and roles
  • Prototyping and production cycles
  • Process, task and work team statistics
  • Execution of a BPM on a Smart Device
  • Data Entry with Dynamic Forms
  • Independent Data Store for Workflow tables
  • Transactional sub-processes
  • Deployment process
  • GXflow client integration and customization
  • GeneXus BPM with GAM
  • How to learn more about GXflow APIS

Accelerate your learning with teacher support

With instructors and fellow students, it's even easier to learn.


The instructions for the practical exercises and the necessary resources to do them are available for download at the following links:

Practice exercises (pdf): containing the challenges designed for the course.
Resources (xpz): containing the resources specified in the instructions of the challenges.


Bonus Material

To be able to do the course well, including the Practice exercises, download the Trial version of GeneXus.
GeneXus Trial     Guide: ”Installation and first run of GeneXus Trial”