Version: from GeneXus 17 to GeneXus 18

Update to GeneXus

Introducing GeneXus 18: The next-gen Software Development Platform

GeneXus 18 is the new version of the Low-Code Development Platform that allows you to build more complex systems in a simpler and faster way, while staying future proof. 

The world is accelerating. We live in a context of volatile realities where changes take place at a continuous and fast pace. With GeneXus 18, you can adapt and remain competitive, because it allows you to develop mission-critical solutions that create total experiences at a speed never seen before in the industry.

In addition, acceleration does not come at the expense of your investment strategy because with GeneXus 18, now more than ever, we build on formalized knowledge and automate everything that can be automated.

Welcome to our latest and better version!

Total length of videos: 4h 30m



Know the new features present in GeneXus 18 from its previous version GeneXus 17.

Previous requirements
Be updated to the GeneXus 17 version.

Approximate duration
4 hours 30 minutes

Accelerate your learning with teacher support

With instructors and fellow students, it's even easier to learn.

Bonus Material

To be able to do the course well, including the Practice exercises, download the Trial version of GeneXus.
GeneXus Trial     Guide: ”Installation and first run of GeneXus Trial”  
Guide: ”Installing and first running the Android SDK"