Version: from 16 to version 17

Update to GeneXus

Modeling of Complex Architectures and Mission Critical Systems with GeneXus

The world of users has changed significantly, from having a simple experience to having multiple channels. Our systems must be able to support the different changes of various functionalities and services that are migrating towards new realities. In this talk, we will review the tools and facilities that we have in GeneXus to achieve the creation of complex mission-critical systems and the corresponding architecture.

Total length of videos: 7.5h

English caption



Know the new features present in GeneXus 17 from its previous version GeneXus 16.

Previous requirements
Be updated to the GeneXus 16 version.

Approximate duration
7 hours 30 minutes

Bonus Material

To be able to do the course well, including the Practice exercises, download the Trial version of GeneXus.
GeneXus Trial     Guide: ”Installation and first run of GeneXus Trial”  
Guide: ”Installing and first running the Android SDK"  
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