Version: from 16 to version 17

Update to GeneXus

Amplify the value of design and impact at scale with DesignOps

On many occasions, the development team makes decisions without taking into account the design, which usually brings friction to the work process. The question is: How to deal with the handoff between design and development? At GeneXus we focus on three pillars: tools, people and processes. This methodology is called DesignOps and in this video we will see how to use it to amplify design and impact at scale.

Total length of videos: 7.5h




Know the new features present in GeneXus 17 from its previous version GeneXus 16.

Previous requirements
Be updated to the GeneXus 16 version.

Approximate duration
7 hours 30 minutes

Bonus Material

To be able to do the course well, including the Practice exercises, download the Trial version of GeneXus.
GeneXus Trial     Guide: ”Installation and first run of GeneXus Trial”  
Guide: ”Installing and first running the Android SDK"