FAQs - GeneXus Core course (v18)

The Team Development option does not appear

The Team Development option appears available under the Knowledge Manager menu only when the synchronization process between the KB and the server has been established.

If it does not appear available it is because the process has not been established. The reasons may be the following:
  • The KB has not been sent to the server.
  • The connection has not been established with a KB published on the server (Create from).


If you want to send the KB to the server: File / Send Knowledge Base to GeneXus Server
  • Check the server location url
  • Indicates the name with which the KB will be published on the server (Alias). It must be unique, meaning that two KBs with the same name cannot exist on the server.
  • Indicate your GeneXus account for authentication
  • Press Send

If you want to synchronize with a KB already published on the server:File / New / Knowledge Base from GeneXus Server
  • Press Select Server KB:

  • Select Sandbox and enter your GeneXus account for authentication:

  • Select the KB with which you want to establish the connection and receive a local copy. Press Select:

  • Indicate the name with which you want to receive the local copy of the KB. Press Create: