FAQs - GeneXus Core course (v18)
Hide an attribute in the Web layout
Error in Data Provider associated with a Transaction (data loading process): Attribute does not have the "visible" property
Error in global formula: reference to the same attribute to which the formula is associated: Formula XXX (directly or indirectly) references itself
Pattern Work With and Transactions
Subtype Groups
GeneXus Server
A PDF list is not displayed
From an object, for example a Web Panel, a pdf list is called but it is not displayed.
Verify that the Procedure object has the following properties and rule defined:
Additionally, verify if the list receives parameters (it has the corresponding Parm rule declared). If so, verify that when calling it, the corresponding parameters are being passed.
Verify that the Procedure object has the following properties and rule defined:
- Main Program = True
- Call protocol = HTTP
- output_file rule
Additionally, verify if the list receives parameters (it has the corresponding Parm rule declared). If so, verify that when calling it, the corresponding parameters are being passed.