First Steps with GeneXus

Learn the essentials to create your first application with GeneXus in only 33 hours and 29 minutes.

Create your first application with a Low-Code tool

Definition of users and assignment of roles. Execution and monitoring

Definition of users and assignment of roles. Execution and monitoring

Getting started

Discover the low-code development platform that enables the quick generation of software applications for multiple languages, databases and platforms.

Define and Generate

GeneXus offers the easiest and fastest way to make applications without knowing how to code. It’s easy to learn, highly productive, cross-platform, agile, and future-proof.

Apply Patterns

Applying a pattern is really easy, and as soon as you do it, GeneXus creates objects, codes and settings to provide interesting behaviors without the need for us to program them.

Obtain web and mobile multi-platform applications

You will be amazed by how quickly you can obtain running web, mobile and multiplatform applications!