Version: GeneXus 16

GeneXus Server course

How to obtain information regarding all Commits done on a KB

We often need to have all information possible regarding the Commits done on a KB, with the possibility to take actions in relation to the Commits and to the objects involved. This video shows the components and operations available from the History tab of Team Development.

Click here for a PDF transcript of the video.



These videos will introduce you to the functionalities and advantages of using GeneXus Server.
You will gain the necessary knowledge to integrate the use of GeneXus Server as part of the work methodology when developing applications with GeneXus.

Basic knowledge of GeneXus is recommended.
Approximate duration
5 hours
Bonus Material
You can download the Trial version of GeneXus for free from here:
GeneXus Trial  

Also, you can access to the public version of GeneXus Server provided by GeneXus: